Since the decision to show this movie was announced, those people have voiced their displeasure. Despite the controvery surrounding the event, the Capitol Theater Director, Art Pierce, says he hopes to make this into an educational opportunity.
"We are acknowleding there are racists aspects to the flm and we need to address those," said Pierce. That's why we're doing the pannel discussion and the public comment section afterwards, because we do want to treat it as an education event."
Pierce said that the reason for showing this film has nothing to do with the fact that it is racist film, but rather because it is a landmark films in terms of its character techniques.
"It's an extremely important film, so we knew at some point we'd have to address the issue of showing it," said Pierce. "We've had a lot of requests for showing it. Both black and white people by the way."
Although he is not expecting any kind of problem from people who go to watch the movie, Pierce has hired a professional security firm to keep things under control. Members of the Rome Police Department will also be a presence at the theater.
Picture from: http://venusoo.egloos.com/2294114
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